Surfing On Your Periods: What Should Ladies Do?

Surfing during your period is generally safe, provided you pay attention to your body and follow my instructions.
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Ava Rodriguez

Surfing On Your Periods: What Should Ladies Do?

The odd thing about vacation days is that even the slightest discomfort can ruin the vibe. And let’s be honest, ladies, periods can be annoying even while you’re resting on a perfectly comfortable mattress, let alone a board riding the wave.

So, if you are worried about your menstrual cycle potentially ruining your beach getaway, don’t be. If you’re otherwise healthy, surfing has no MAJOR effect on your periods.

Practically speaking, there might be some discomfort, but nothing earth-shattering.

Nonetheless, it’s better to learn to manage the situation effectively and calmly so you’re prepared for everything. The last thing you want is another surprise. And then there’s the giant shark-shaped elephant in the room: can menstrual blood turn you into a shark delicacy? I will discuss that too.

Can you surf on your period?

You can surf during your period as it is generally safe, provided you pay attention to your body and use menstrual products correctly to avoid unwanted infections. That said, surfing is quite demanding as-is, so you must take frequent breaks and stay hydrated to ensure your safety.

Surprisingly, surfing can help relieve period cramps as surfing releases endorphins in your body. Endorphins act as natural painkillers, giving you a better sense of well-being and overall improved health.

Understanding the physical aspects and demands of surfing while menstruating is important to ensure a fun and safe beach getaway. Pay attention to your body and how it feels while surfing, and take breaks or adjust as needed.

How often I should change my tampon while surfing?

And since we’re on the topic of safety, you must know about toxic shock syndrome (TSS) before stepping into the water. TSS is a rare but life-threatening condition that’s often associated with the use of tampons and menstrual cups.

Ideally, you shouldn’t use a tampon for more than 4 hours while surfing. Change one every 4-6 hours because a wet and used tampon can cause toxic shock syndrome (TSS). In comparison, menstrual cups can be used for up to 12 hours as they collect blood instead of absorbing it.

How to choose the right menstrual product for surfing?

Tampons and menstrual cups are more suitable for surfing than sanitary pads that aren’t as absorbent. Next, you should consider the intensity of your blood flow and choose the product based on comfort and absorption power.

While tampons are a popular choice, some surfers may prefer to use menstrual cups as they provide better leakage protection. Choosing a product you feel comfortable and confident using is important so you can focus on surfing to your heart’s content.

If you’re confused about what to purchase, here are my recommendations:

Tampons suitable for surfing, swimming, and other underwater activities:

Menstrual cups suitable for surfing, swimming, and other underwater activities:

How to prepare for surfing during period?

As a surfer expecting period, some practical considerations will help you manage comfort and hygiene while out in the water. Here are some tips to remember:

1. Pack extra supplies. It’s always better to have extra tampons but not need them. Plus, changing them frequently will reduce the risk of TSS. Bring some wipes and a small water bottle to rinse off after changing your product.

2. Listen to your body. Forcing yourself to surf is a recipe for disaster, especially when you aren’t feeling good. There’s no shame in resting during your periods if you’re not feeling very good/energetic.

3. Stay hydrated. Surfing can be physically demanding, so staying hydrated is important, especially when you’re menstruating. Blood loss during your period can cause your body to lose more fluids than usual. Drink plenty of fluids before, during, and after your surf session.

4. Take breaks as and when required. Surfing while menstruating can be physically taxing. If you feel uncomfortable or have concerns, it’s okay to take a break and rest for a while. You can always get back in the water when you feel ready.

5. Be prepared for unexpected bleeding: Even with the best planning, you may experience unexpected bleeding while surfing. It’s a good idea to be prepared for this possibility by wearing dark-colored swimwear and carrying a small towel or rash guard to clean up with if necessary.

6. Remember that sunscreen!

To conclude, the key to successfully surfing while menstruating is to pay attention to your body. Make informed decisions about what feels comfortable and safe, and be prepared for the unexpected. With some planning and self-care, you can enjoy a fun and fulfilling surf session during your menstrual cycle.

Ultimately, deciding to surf while menstruating is personal and should be based on individual comfort and safety. We encourage surfers to make informed decisions about whether or not to surf during their menstrual cycle and to contribute to breaking the taboo and normalizing conversations about menstruation in surfing and other activities.

Can sharks smell period blood? Should you be worried?

It’s one of those situations where anyone familiar with Hollywood should be worried. Well, except for those who believe in marine science and practicality.

Sharks are attracted to the amino acids found in blood, so you’ll be safe in the water as menstrual blood is chemically different. It’s a mix of mucus, uterine secretions, and other components, which aren’t a delicacy for the aquatic beast. 

Moreover, sharks prefer amino acids found in marine animals instead of us humans. Sharks are more likely to feel confused or threatened when they attack people. There’s no evidence to prove that period blood attracts sharks or that you’ll bleed so much in water that it prompts a shark to attack you.


Expert QnA

Expert Answer

Q. Will surfing affect my menstrual flow or comfort?

Surfing doesn’t affect periods or cause discomfort for most women. You may find your menstrual flow heavier or lighter while surfing, but it won’t lead to additional pain. Pay attention to your body, take frequent breaks, and surf only if you feel comfortable.

Ava Rodriguez Just Ava
Expert Answer

Q. What are the best menstrual products for surfing?

The best menstrual product for surfing is the one you’re comfortable with because tampons and menstrual cups are equally effective choices. U by Kotex, Playtex Sport, and Tampax Pearl Super are considered the best tampons, and Intimina Lily makes the best menstrual cups for underwater use.

Tampons are popular among surfers as they can be changed quite quickly. Then again, the menstrual cup can be emptied and rinsed out in the water just as easily. Pads are also an option, although they may not stay in place compared to other products when surfing the ocean.

Ava Rodriguez Just Ava
Expert Answer

Q. Can I go surfing without menstrual products?

While I recommend you use a tampon or menstrual cup, many surfers prefer going au naturale without any menstrual products. Due to the sheer pressure of the ocean and waves, getting into the water will stop your flow enough to make it seem like you aren’t even on your period.

Ava Rodriguez Just Ava
Expert Answer

Q. How can I manage unexpected bleeding while surfing?

It’s important to stay calm when experiencing unexpected bleeding while surfing. Remove any soiled products, clean yourself with a little water and use a fresh tampon or a clean cup. Wear dark swimwear, and carry extra towels & rash guard to help clean up if necessary.

Ava Rodriguez Just Ava