Surfboard Savvy: The Ultimate Guide to Repairing Dings Like a Pro

To repair surfboard dings, you'll need a ding repair kit or resin, sandpaper, and a heat gun.
Surfboard Savvy: The Ultimate Guide to Repairing Dings Like a Pro

As a surfer, damages to your surfboard are inevitable. Doesn’t matter if you hit a rock in the ocean or another surfer. While the damages may seem minor at first, they can build up over time and significantly affect the lifespan of your surfboard.

One solution is to just get them fixed by a repair shop, but what’s the fun in that. Understanding how to repair your surfboard dings and keep your board in top shape is important.

If you haven’t got much time, here’s the gist:

To repair surfboard dings, you’ll need a ding repair kit or resin, sandpaper, and a heat gun. Clean the ding and sand rough edges. Use a heat gun (or hairdryer) after filling the resin and sand down the repaired area. Finally, apply wax or sealant to protect your surfboard.

DIY Fixing Surfboard Dings

Step 1: Gather the necessary materials.

A surfboard ding repair kit is the most convenient and comprehensive option, as it includes everything you’ll need for the repair process. These kits typically include resin, a resin applicator, sandpaper, and instructions for use.

If you don’t have one, here’s what you’ll need:

Resin: It’s used to fill and repair surfboard dings. There are two types of resin that you can use – polyester resin is a good all-purpose option that is widely available and easier to use. The epoxy resin is more durable and resistant to water but requires special handling and a longer curing time.

Sandpaper: It’s used to level the repaired area once the resin has fully cured. Different grit sizes of sandpaper are used for different stages of the repair process. You’ll need 220 plus grit sandpaper and one with 80 or 100 grit.

Masking Tape: Use it to protect the surrounding areas and contain the work area.

Scraper or putty knife: You’ll use this to remove excess resin.

Clean cloth: You know you’ll probably need two.

Heat gun or hairdryer: It’s optional, but you should get one. It’ll speed up the drying stage.

Not sure about what to buy? Here’s the stuff I use:

Ding Repair Kit (Polyester)Ding ALL 4 Oz All Super Polyester Repair Kit
Ding Repair Kit (Epoxy & Polyester)SunPowered Dura Dual Formula (Epoxy & Polyester)
Resin (Polyester)Ding All Polyester Sanding Resin with Catalyst
Resin (Epoxy)Ding All Epoxy Resin and Hardener
Masking TapeAmazon Basics Masking Tape
Scraper / Putty KnifeAmazon Basics Nylon Handle Putty Knife
Heat GunChandler Tool Store Heat Gun for Crafts
*I recommend buying the sandpaper from your local hardware store

Step 2: Prepare the surfboard for repair.

old surfboard for ding repair

Here’s how to prepare your surfboard for any kind of repair.

1. Have your materials and tools within easy reach and ensure a well-ventilated area. Wear gloves and goggles to protect your hands and eyes from the resin.

2. Use a clean cloth to remove dirt, sand, or other. You have to create a smooth surface for the resin to bond.

3. Use the high-grit piece of sandpaper to sand down the edges.

4. Isolate the work area using masking tape.

Step 3: Repair the surfboard ding.

Now it’s time to repair the ding using the resin or ding repair kit. Here is a step-by-step guide for repairing a surfboard ding:

1. Mix the resin and the hardener in the correct ratio according to the manufacturer’s instructions.  If you are using a ding repair kit, follow the instructions on the box. 

2. Apply the resin to the ding.

  • For a ding repair kit, use the applicator provided to apply the resin.
  • For DIY, use a putty knife or scraper to apply the resin mixture in thin and even layers.

Ensure to fill the ding completely and smooth the resin to create a seamless finish.

3. Use a heat gun (or hairdryer) to speed up drying. Make sure you keep the heat source away from the resin and move it around to evenly distribute the heat.

4. Allow the resin to fully cure. The curing time will depend on the type of resin you are using and the ambient temperature and humidity. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the recommended curing time and avoid disturbing the resin.

5. Once the resin is fully cured, use the lower-grit sandpaper to smoothen the repaired area and remove any excess resin.

Pro Tip: Sand in a circular motion to avoid unevenness or grooves on the surface.

6. Clean the board. Use a clean cloth or sponge to wipe away any dust or debris created by the sanding process. Your surfboard is now ready for the final sanding and finishing touches.

surfing in Asilomar united states
Wanna hit the water? Just one more step.

Since this is your first time, you are bound to make some mistakes. Let me tell you about the most common ones and how to avoid them.

  1. Choose the right resin for your repair needs. Check what’s suitable for your board and the damage – polyester or epoxy.
  2. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Whether you are using a ding repair kit or resin and a hardener, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for mixing and applying the resin.
  3. Use the heat source cautiously.
  4. Allow the resin to fully cure before sanding or handling the repaired area. Be patient and have a cup of coffee while you wait.
  5. Use the correct grit of sandpaper for the stage of the repair process and sand in a circular motion to avoid creating any unevenness or grooves on the surface.

By following these tips and being patient and careful during the repair process, you can achieve a seamless repair and get back in the water in no time.

Step 4: Adding the finishing touches.

Sand the entire board: Give the board a light sanding to ensure a consistent finish. It’ll help remove any bumps or imperfections.

Apply wax or sealant: If you want to protect your surfboard and extend its lifespan, consider applying wax or sealant to the surface. This will create a barrier against water and impacts and help to prevent future dings and damages.

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to apply wax or sealant and apply a thin, even layer using a wax comb or sponge. I also recommend using a UV-protective coating to further protect your surfboard.

Store your surfboard properly:  Keep it out of direct sunlight and use a surfboard bag. And store your surfboard horizontally on a rack to prevent warping or bending.

How to avoid air bubbles when applying resin on dings?

Air bubbles can form when applying resin to a surfboard ding. It can affect the repair and ruin your board’s appearance. Here’s how to avoid them:

1. Mix the resin and hardener thoroughly according to the instructions. Stir slowly and evenly to avoid creating bubbles.

2. Apply the resin in thin and uniform layers, so it cures / dries evenly.

3. Use the heat gun or hairdryer to gently help the resin flow and avoid bubbles.

If you see any air bubbles, here’s how to remove them:

1. For small bubbles, tap the surfboard gently with a rubber mallet or rolling pin after applying the resin to release them.

2. For more prominent ones, use a sharp tool such as a needle or pin to puncture them. Then, re-apply another thin layer of resin.


Expert QnA

Expert Answer

Q. Can you duct tape a surfboard ding?

Generally, duct tape can temporarily fix a surfboard ding, but it isn’t a permanent solution. While duct tape is durable, it’s not designed to repair surfboards. You can reserve using duct tape as a quick fix, but it won’t hold water and salt back enough.

Ava Rodriguez Just Ava
Expert Answer

Q. How long should the surfboard dry before ding repair?

You must allow the surfboard to dry completely before repairing the ding to ensure that the resin adheres. The drying time depends on the size and depth of the ding, as well as the ambient temperature and humidity. Generally, it’s best to wait for atleast 24 hours.

Ava Rodriguez Just Ava
Expert Answer

Q. How do I know if I can repair a surfboard ding?

Generally, if the ding is small and shallow, it can be repaired without any problems. However, you may need professional assistance if the ding is large or deep. In the worst-case scenario, you’ll have to replace the surfboard.

Ava Rodriguez Just Ava
Expert Answer

Q. Can you use a surfboard with a ding?

Technically, it’s possible to use a ding with a ding, provided it’s small and not too deep, so it doesn’t affect your surfboard’s performance or lifespan. If the ding is shallow, you should only use the surfboard once it’s repaired for safety.

A large or deep ding could cause the board to break or fail while surfing. In general, it is best to repair a surfboard ding as soon as possible to ensure the best performance and safety of the board.

Ava Rodriguez Just Ava
Expert Answer

Q. How long does it take to repair a surfboard ding?

Generally, it should take 1-2 hours to complete the repair process for minor dings. The length of time it takes to repair a surfboard ding will depend on the size and depth of the ding and the repair method you are using.

Ava Rodriguez Just Ava
Expert Answer

Q. How can I prevent future surfboard dings?

While you can’t protect your surfboard from dings 100% of the time, you can take the following precautions to reduce the chances:

1. Use a surfboard leash to avoid collisions with other surfers or objects.
2. Avoid surfing in areas with rocks or other hard objects that could damage your board.
3. Protect your surfboard with wax or sealant to create a barrier against water and impacts.
4. Store your surfboard properly when not in use to prevent accidental damage.

Ava Rodriguez Just Ava